The following is from "Your Aruba Home" published by Lago Oil & Transport Company, Ltd. in November of 1946.

The Company maintains two separate commissaries, one for foreign staff employees and another for the local employees of Aruba and the surrounding Caribbean area.

The foreign staff Commissary, a two-story brick building in the center of the residential section, is very much like a general store in the immense variety of the stock it keeps.  It is the only mercantile establishment in the Colony, consequently, it has on sale practically all the necessities of life and many luxuries as well.

Merchandise available thee includes:

Groceries Glassware Ironing Tables
Silverware Beer Card Tables
Bakery Products Smoker's Supplies Porch Chairs 
Fruits Soft Drinks Light Bulb
Men's & Boy's pants Men/boy dress shirts Men/Boy work pants
Children's shoes Hosiery Drug Sundries
Kitchen Utensils Men/boy's work shirts Cosmetics
Underwear Haberdasheries Men's Shoes
Pajamas Hats & Caps  Table
Meats Laundry Tubs Notions
Tobaccos  Toys/Decorations Shower Curtains
Bed Sheets Blankets China
Towels Buckets Holiday Food
Poultry Fish  Dairy
Christmas Trees Products Kerosene (free)


Hours are from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday.

Women's or girl's cloths are not stocked, nor are yard good of any kind.  A acceptable variety of these articles is on sale in the stores of San Nicolas or Oranjestad. Fresh milk and cream are not available on the island, and powered milk and evaporated milk are used instead.

The Commissary carries a representative assortment of standard brands, and not attempt can be made to satisfy individual tastes in these matters.  The average price are kept in a general level with those of the New Jersey area.

The booklet went on to note that delivery of groceries could be arranged to residences as well as the Bachelor Quarters and Girl's Dorm.  A fee of 2.00 guilders was added to the order for delivery.

Kerosene, for the stoves, was free and delivered to the house without a fee.  Kerosene had to be ordered the day before the delivery was requested.

Commissary employees, all local employees, were subject to discharge for accepting gratuities.

The Company also maintained a Laundry for foreign staff employees.  The cost for wash, fold or press was $0.12 US per dry pound of clothing being laundries.  Dry cleaning had to be taken to a privately owned dry cleaning establishment in San Nicolas.